...Homemade Rainbows...

Monday, March 31, 2008

::::Lazy Sunny Monday Morning::::

We are the lucky ones....I guess...
though it didn't feel that way most of last night. The "sickies" are still haunting us 3 weeks on and restless nights, of up to 6 wakings for me with bub, abound again. I'm resigning myself to the fact this is most likely our fate this cold and flu season unless we remove ourselves from the new kindy community and withdraw as hermits from public places. It won't last forever....our immunity is growing... I comfort myself.

But we are the lucky ones today because we are amongst the few that can be at home on this gorgeous day, able to soak up the sleepy autumn morning sun in the backyard.....and hypnotically swing swing....

swing and swing.... for me watching and pushing with a warm cup of my jasmine tea....(I need to get back to the chinese grocer and get more of my usual tin)
I just love Autumn days....the sun makes me want to curl up and nap. The almost daily cloudless skies provide a crispness and clearness to the air that seems to allow the sun to highlight the greens and other colours of the garden with ever vibrant silver outlines that sparkle sharply yet just beautifully on the eye. I wish I could capture it in a photo....(with my lack of photographic equipment) I'm not even going to try! ;)

For me perhaps our indulgence in swinging in the dappled sun should have been a seesaw instead....I'm torn fighting feelings of guilt about all the other things I could should be doing with my time. Bam is suffering separation anxiety and even getting a load of washing hung out is a challenge at the moment let alone doing all the other things I wish we had time to do....sewing projects included. Spending his nap time indulging myself and Mia sometimes feels difficult, though I know it is such valuable time for her so I go with it today. And now I am allowing a little time here to blog as well. Letting go is my lesson still!

My garden has also had a good eyeing over during this time this morning and sadly some things are looking quite "needy" too and I am so late for a decent Autumn/winter garden now. I will get a few things in eventually, very late of course but good enough to satisfy my need to be growing something. Next year when the little ones are older and giving of more time for myself my garden will get some more of the attention it needs and just maybe I will enjoy more and more of its abundance.

For now though Henrietta and Harriet seem to be enjoying their fill of both time to just potter, as chooks do, and garden goodness. Watching their fluffy rears as they forage always gives me a lot of joy.

Bums up girls!


Kathy said...
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Kathy said...

I can't wait to have some chickens of my own. So jealous ;)

I hope you're all better soon. I've been drinking Cats Claw because my immune system has taken a bit a whack. You should give it a try. Its OK while breasfeeding too.

x Kathy