...Homemade Rainbows...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Our Celebration....

My two babes are sleeping...tummies full and bodies worn out. The house is dark and quiet, no more laughter, no more running, no more play. My eyes are getting heavy....I can smell a beautiful sleep coming after a long day.

Our celebration of today started, after our beautiful baking and decorating of yesterday and with a sudden buzz of last minute excitement and imagination from Mia at bedtime last night, with the careful anticipatory placement of the two newly made Easter "nests" on the table.... (and, very important, with a snack of course for "the bunny")! Bam's "nest" was finally finished.....

My hands were also recovering from the frantic, leave it to the last minute, knitting for these two bunny gems lovingly made below who would sleep the night of this celebration eve in the kids new nests awaiting their owners and new found love and cuddles to come in the morning....
and yummm.....
Here is our breakfast, after a little too much chocolate of course (the only day this is acceptable ) of freshly baked date and pecan bread, fresh fruit, coloured hard boiled eggs and peppermint tea. Bam enjoyed some banana. All with Mia's delightful and symbolic centrepiece to enjoy also. What a treat. So nourishing, nurturing, just a bit fun and with all of us together!

My day finished laying in the grass on a rug with Mia while Bam slept in the warm late afternoon sun reading books, singing songs and watching the brilliant blue of an almost cloudless sky. Perfect.

Happy celebration all....... Good night

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