...Homemade Rainbows...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Adding colour

It's getting closer to revealing our new addition. This afternoon I managed to add a splash of colour, a lick of paint (I know it's really daggy but I love that phrase) to it....be it in the form of a coat of good old reliable "Brunswick Green". Well I was actually hoping for the old faithful "Mission Brown" but the tin I was generously lent had unfortunately turned to lumpy water.
The Bohemian in me wants to add rainbows and flowers but I think I've been convinced otherwise......


Sabrina said...

Oh the suspense! I'm anxiously waiting...
If you can't have the rainbows and flowers, that cheerful Brunswick green will make up for it.

Anonymous said...

I had to show S your yard, and he mentioned he'll call you 'Martha' from now on.
x K