It struck me last night while outside emptying my kitchen scraps into the compost that all my garden was glowing in silver light.
It was not quite full moon, in actual fact it was more full moon eve, but so beautiful and strikingly bright. I could see all my botanical loves so clearly cloaked in beautiful shining gossamer.
I had spent an unplanned afternoon yesterday lost in the garden transplanting basil and beetroot, watering, tidying unruly passionfruit vines and somewhat sadly removing my beans, finally.
I was eventually and somewhat reluctantly beckoned indoors by my hungry, tired and grubby little ones.
So in that moment later in the night when my attention was momentarily stolen by that luminescent body in the sky...I was entranced and then enticed to stray in and out of my vegetable beds resuming my green picking, moving and touching with plenty of pause to just gaze at that moon.
I figure I have about 3 more truly bright nights to steal away and do the same....some silent extra alone-time, gardening by the light of the night.
Have you ever gardened under moonbeams?
Don't things look different under the moonlight, magical somehow. Great picture, whenever I try to take a picture of the moon it ends up looking really small, I'll have to experiment some more.
take care
What a special time for pondering and puttering. How beautiful and peaceful it must have been under that shining silver light. Well, as our gardening season is pretty much over for the year, I will have to wait patiently until next year when I can try my hand at gardening by moon glow.
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