...Homemade Rainbows...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We're a bit *narnied* out here.
Yesterday I froze the last of our banana's that we cut down from the tree the other week. They were being eyed off for a while now by humans and critters alike and finally the day came for them to come down. Some were ready and were of course eaten straight away....others were still green and gave us a couple of more weeks of sweet goodness. But this week, and in this heat they were just ripening faster than we could eat them despite having shared hands with friends and neighbours too.
So some I just froze whole for those baking days and upcoming smoothie days (yum)....and others I sliced and froze in handy bags for a creamy cold treat whenever we feel like it.
And with the forecast today to be in the mid 30C's (just a warm one for here) I think we will be back in the paddle pool this afternoon nibbling on those very same icy lady finger delights.


Celia Hart said...

Your very own narnas!!!! Crikey!

Lucky bunnies!

Celia (in mild but still wintery Suffolk, UK)

Madeline said...

Yummy! So wish "narnies" grew around here. Enjoy.

Sabrina said...

You certainly lead the enchanted life to be able to pick your own. Enjoy all of the variations on delicious that those bananas will provide.

Umatji said...

I see you have been round my neck of the woods! I must say I love the look of your narnies - I would love that but our cold hills here would just never make it possible! Food forest but not that kind...

Mary Smith said...

It looks so warm out your way!

Jodi said...

While I love the concept of my current book, I would have to move closer to narnie climate as the family would absolutley think I'm narna's if I said they are too far out of our locale to be on the diet. Is there a perfect spot on the East Coast where we have the best of both worlds?

Amber said...

Wow that lovely. My babies would just love a day at your home...always beautiful.
Happy festive narnie season lovely one..xx

Katy said...

Hoe beautiful....oh how I wish for my own nanas! This made me race out and get some for a fruit platter tonight! x

Unknown said...

Oh man that reminds me of Australia! My girl really enoys bananas and I wish she could have that glorious fresh yellowness.

Levin said...

mmmmmm banana cake.
i love bananas too - but none of my kids do - isn't that weird!