...Homemade Rainbows...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dress Rehearsal

I've been working on another little project for a while now....and after using a little trickiness and running out of shirring elastic as excuses to let it "wait" for a week or two, I have finally completed a new little dress for the girl.

This is my first experiment and lesson in shirring. (Don't you just love a shirred summer dress?) It's quite easy and a little fiddly at the same time....and let me tell you another little secret....worn and dry earth loving hands make it all just that much fiddlier, but we got there in the end.

It seems to make its wearer feel rather special which makes it a successful rehearsal for me....


Jodi said...

Oh it's beautiful. I would wear it if it came in my size!

Sabrina said...

Oooo- fantastic dress just perfect for summer wearing! Love those colors... and I agree that there is something very special about shirring. I recall some favorite dresses of my childhood having a similar style.

karen said...

great job, it looks so beautiful on your daughter. nothing like a pretty dress to make it feel like summer. i feel warm and carefree just looking at it!

Levin said...

fabulous dress. it's worth all the effort put in - it looks gorgeous.

Anne said...

The dress looks beautiful, I love pretty dresses on young girls.
Katie love dresses but also loves climbing trees too! LOL ;)

. said...

neutral facial expression