Excuse my photography...very poor....I am making do with our mobile phones and my video camera minus flash. I'd lurrve a digi cam.....there's something to be said for photo quality! Hmm so what does strongly desiring a new camera make me in the scheme of consumerism?
...Homemade Rainbows...
Friday, February 29, 2008
Little Printer....
Excuse my photography...very poor....I am making do with our mobile phones and my video camera minus flash. I'd lurrve a digi cam.....there's something to be said for photo quality! Hmm so what does strongly desiring a new camera make me in the scheme of consumerism?
Friday, February 22, 2008
Stop Consumerism...save Yourself and the World!

I found this! How great....and so so timely with my thoughts being preoccupied lately with the state of our ever over consuming society!
What date is it this year? Love it!
We have made changes this year to our own consumption and after having finished last year debt free we talked loosely about spending the next 12 months without buying anything brand new....highly inspired by Eilleen.....and with my big dream to one day experience the simple life like Linda and family. But we are sadly not ready yet...though baby steps! It is a big change and there is still some preparation before we are ready to warmly, happily and wholeheartedly commit to it as a family.
In the meantime I will continue to plant my little somethings worthy of being "consumable" in our backyard. We are a little way off being able to eat anything substantial, like the Cockburns (!), for the long term from our garden yet but we are getting there and enjoying the process. Space is holding us back at present but I have plans to "delawn" the backyard and turn things into a twisting turning veg/herb/fruit discovery extravaganza! I'm currently schooling myself up on cob ovens too. Time is poor though with two little ones so my plans are long term....though hopefully next year will prove to be quite productive on the fruity side of things.... and lets hope the rains keep a coming regularly so these wonderful plans don't frizzle up with any crispy dried veg leaves that I can't water quickly enough, in the drought, bucketing from our tank! I'm planning on so much more gardeny satisfaction to come.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Arty creations from the imagination of Mia....
Gettin' Crafty for Kindy.....

Anyway with that and the timely return of my sewing machine from the linen cupboard it was time to make some funky kindy sheets! So a shoppin' we went for the coolest fabric we could find and we came home with this little number....too yummy.

My Little Dolphin....
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Garden Musings....

BOUNTY!.....some little pods of goodness from the smiling sunny faces we've had gracing our patch, thanks to Mia, the last month or so....
Our very own little "PassionFruit" Mia Anise.......Hopefully we will have some golden globes of tasty fruit soon.... Some spectacular garden "wildlife"!
I love leaves! This is an ants eye view of our papaya...growing beautifully in all this heat and rain. Bring on that sweet fleshy fruit!
Some lady finger narnies in the making.....
The march (climb) of the pumpkins....watch out shed!! Hopefully the vine will cool the shed, save space and produce some big round beauties....lots of flowers so far.