I won't be posting here at my little space anymore.
And I wanted to say goodbye to it....
It's not a permanent goodbye as I will continue to post on my new blog that I have been ever so slowly working on.
I won't be posting the link to it here publicly and it won't be searchable on any search engines either.
I'm trying to transfer some of the *feel* I have here....
and I'd LOVE you all to come with me to my new space too!
You see my plan is only to say goodbye to *here* and not you....
so I will be keeping this blog open and if I haven't got around to contacting you all individually (sigh...soon) please leave me a reminder here....ok.
It's bittersweet....truly
So just as I am learning to embrace my seasonal challenges I am going to embrace some other change as well.
I hope I can bare snippets of my soul together with snaps from my camera as lovingly in my new space as I have here for so many years....
...Homemade Rainbows...
Friday, June 10, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
But sometimes the sunsets just shine.
Again I am going to remember to embrace even the seasons that challenge me.
So here starts another weekly series of its little blessings.
Three months of the small things that lift me above....
sometimes with a string of words.... sometimes not.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
farewell autumn

I bade farewell to Autumn in a cute country cabin up in the hills overlooking the ocean last weekend. Oh my!
Although it was Autumn drawing to a close my escape was all about things wintry and warm.
Velvet equine noses and fluffy donkey ears....
Bedraggled chickens amidst a winter moult....
Misty mornings and golden sunsets over the sea....
A gold reflected in the hues of numerous citrus trees for the plucking, heavy with juicy fruit....
Homemade dough and wood fired pizzas, with accompanying red wine of course.
The only sad farewell was in the returning home for now.
But there's plans already to go back and join in some exciting nearby festivities. A pretty big way to celebrate Winter Solstice. Have a look. Can't wait!
I also paid a visit to Friends of the Koala's Inc. while I was down that way. My girl is working on everything *Koala* at the moment.

I can't rave enough about the amazing job these devoted people do with roughly a 50% success rate. With quite pathetic federal and local funding and a few home carers they rely heavily on donations, fundraising and sponsorship to provide medicine, food and shelter to their charges. Really with the fundamental causes of stress and the hideous diseases these little ones are suffering so prolifically today because of *us* (and honestly if you see them for real... it's absolutely heartbreaking)... diseases because of development, habitat destruction, road accidents and dog attacks...we owe it to them to help out.
We were lucky enough to see two little girls come in after 9 months home care to be transitioned at the centre before their release. So much work....such a great story.
Please at least have a look at the website and the amazing work these volunteers do for our unique eucalypt munchers.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
procrastinating... again

This morning was cold.
Windy and brisk.
But not quite brisk enough to see me lose the thongs today. I'm not a shoe lover, me. And it takes quite a decent amount of chill to see me don them. It's one of the things I'm grateful for about Australian Winters up here. Perfect for the casual non fuss don't hole me in kinda gal.
But aside, after morning school drop off today, and still flapping around in the flip flops, I found myself heading out as usual with a steaming fresh brew and a recipe book under my arm to my new *perch* in the garden. I'm starting to feel like there's something missing if I haven't ritually *taken my tea* in the garden before I really start my day you know? It's like that deep breath, splash your face with cold water awakening... and sometimes steadying.
On cold mornings like this I find myself coaxed further from my usual stoop to follow the sun which touches now in its warmest giving on the steps of the cubby house at the very back of the garden.
From this warmest of high posts I can look down on the garden and still plan my doings... and plantings and pickings of course.... and chat to the girls right next to me as I sip, while the hot steam condenses on my nose and the sun seems to magically fix itself to my skin all the way through those layers of clothes.
The plan today was to finish an assignment I should be working on straight after the last drip of my tea. But as I sat drifting in that intoxicated blissful sunned state, my vague scrutiny of the edible greens passing before my eyes, the heavy enduring line of chokos across my fence caught my attention again...and again. After all it was recipes of preserves I had that favourite of all recipe books under my arm for... though just not exactly for today.
But alas procrastination wins out again...
or maybe it's the need to not let any of my gardens yields go to waste?
Either way that assignment was (somewhat guiltily) put on the burner for tomorrow.
So with warmed toes and a tea filled belly I headed back indoors for a spell, my jumper quickly converted to a carryall and sinking from the weight of freshly picked fruit to boil jars and bubble chutney over the stove instead.
Well at least I'm a productive procrastinator.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
oranges and lemons....
I keep finding I'm singing this to myself lately.
Winter is definitely all about citrus.
And winter is also all about warm desserts.
You know helping you add that extra unwanted layer for warmth over the cooler months? Hmm.
Well this year, even though it's still not quite officially Winter yet, I've been blessed with picking my own citrus from the backyard. Finally. My first real lemon harvest and my first ever oranges.
A small modest harvest, yes.
A little seedy, yes.
But super sweet and *real* tasting, oh yes.
Am I a bit chuffed? Yes indeed!
And for me Winter citrus just has to be turned into a warm citrus delicious. Aside from a rustic apple crumble it's my next favourite cold night dessert. A creamy warm tangy self saucing pud with the lightest spongy meringue top. So so good with a hot aromatic cuppa.
So good indeed I've made it twice this week already.
So what's helping you layer your bones for warmth this season?
Monday, May 16, 2011
chayote truths

Casseroled... (is that a word?)
and my new favourite Stir Fried with garlic and a smidge (now that's too cute not to be a word) of cumin. Yum.
My side fence is literally abuzz with bees.... which is exciting enough in itself... but when they are pollinating and helping my garden produce masses, and that is no exaggeration, of chokos it's kind of inhale, settle the warm fuzzy nerdy gardener tummy, and enter grin really grin territory here for me this Autumn.
OK I'm just a little overrun. And the girls at work have all had verbal lessons in preparing my giveaways. But I still have plenty of recipes and prep methods I'm excited about and yet to try out.
I'm really loving their homeliness right now and am honestly finding them most delicious. Maybe it's because of their homegrown stature? Certainly not because of any unfortunate choko reputation.
In fact the only reputation I do believe is their complete willingness to take over the garden and perhaps bury you under an abundance of green pear shaped fruits. I simply won't listen to any talk about them being boring or goodness forbid *yukky*....
and that's my not so ugly chayote truth.
Honest you can read more here if you're a disbeliever.
and that's my not so ugly chayote truth.
Honest you can read more here if you're a disbeliever.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
plus one

the birth of a precious wee baby girl.
Plus one into the arms of our family fold.
Number one for my sister and her husband.
I've been wanting and trying to write this post for days,
but waiting for my beloved sister to share her news first...
and then waiting for the right words to come.
They still haven't.
Was it because it was the first birth, other than that of my own children, that I've attended?
Was it because it was my sister birthing and my niece being birthed?
Was it because of the concurrence of the day and the act?
Or just the miracle of delivering life into the world... this feeble sentimental statement being the very reason I spent so long unsuccessfully searching for the elusive right words for this post.
But whatever the reason for my awe and amazement and the complete euphoria of my experience....
the power of standing with my own mother, beside my sister and her husband as they became parents on mothers day, was palpable.
I breathed with her
and massaged her.
I encouraged her
and reassured her.
I held her
and swayed with her.
I tried to meld all my strength with her
and let my knuckles turn white with hers.
Amazingly I laughed with her
and of course I shed tears with her.
But there was only one thing aside from her pain that I wanted to take just a little bit of... and that was her strength and courage...and later pure joy. We could all do with some of that.
So welcome to motherhood my sister.
And welcome earth side little April Ruth.
We've been waiting for your plus one.
How we are going to cherish you so...
and how I am going to cherish the sweet gift of sharing in your arrival.
Friday, May 6, 2011
preserving autumn

by way of blossom, fruit and jam for our chilly morning toast.
And even though the Autumn shade is encroaching on the garden... a little more than my green fingers would like... my bushes are continuing on with perfect bleeding throated blooms and fleshy finger staining calyxes.
There will be more peeling to be done on the deck... stirring over the stove and steaming thick red liquid locked in glass jars to make that sweet popping sound of a successfully preserved Autumn.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
after the deluge
In a forest last week...
scribbly gums
paper wasps
swamp hens
makeshift bridges
frilly lizards
wild may
and a storm...

A storm indeed.
A storm that has made these the last photos my beloved camera (as she was) and I will take together in quite a while.
I dropped her off at the repair shop this morning.
Seems despite a snug fit down my front, fast running legs and desperately hunched shoulders one cannot keep a camera dry when several kilometers deep and just so slightly lost within a forest when a thunderstorm decides to hit.
Oh my goodness... soaked as soaked could be we powered on along paths that turned to mini muddy torrents, over creeks, up hill and down...between thunderclaps and heavy drops upon our faces that we drank right off our skin as we ran. The little ones were frightened and cold but perhaps like the Mama kangaroo that almost bounded blindly into us I reassured them and reminded them to laugh and feel, really feel, that beating wet and roaring wind for what it was...
wild simple adventure.
So while I may be camera-less for a bit... I am also a little *water* wiser... and somewhat more astute at reading maps... and I wouldn't give it back, that little adventure.
In fact I went back.
To the scene of the crime.... the next day.
Seven kilometers of beautiful forest filled with post rain frog call I walked, and emerged just post sundown. Tired yet dry, satiated and smiling again even if at the fact that that's how it should have been the first time.
It may not have been revenge but it was indeed most sweet and still wild after the deluge.
scribbly gums
paper wasps
swamp hens
makeshift bridges
frilly lizards
wild may
and a storm...

A storm indeed.
A storm that has made these the last photos my beloved camera (as she was) and I will take together in quite a while.
I dropped her off at the repair shop this morning.
Seems despite a snug fit down my front, fast running legs and desperately hunched shoulders one cannot keep a camera dry when several kilometers deep and just so slightly lost within a forest when a thunderstorm decides to hit.
Oh my goodness... soaked as soaked could be we powered on along paths that turned to mini muddy torrents, over creeks, up hill and down...between thunderclaps and heavy drops upon our faces that we drank right off our skin as we ran. The little ones were frightened and cold but perhaps like the Mama kangaroo that almost bounded blindly into us I reassured them and reminded them to laugh and feel, really feel, that beating wet and roaring wind for what it was...
wild simple adventure.
So while I may be camera-less for a bit... I am also a little *water* wiser... and somewhat more astute at reading maps... and I wouldn't give it back, that little adventure.
In fact I went back.
To the scene of the crime.... the next day.
Seven kilometers of beautiful forest filled with post rain frog call I walked, and emerged just post sundown. Tired yet dry, satiated and smiling again even if at the fact that that's how it should have been the first time.
It may not have been revenge but it was indeed most sweet and still wild after the deluge.
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