a new year...
new days...
Those very numbers must denote a new beginning mustn't they?
I was home alone last night
not through want of celebratory invitations and phonecalls and possibility,
but through a need for quiet
and contemplation
and quietness as my babes peacefully and innocently slept around me, oh so soundly.
Contemplation of life's twists and turns and meaning.
Today is a new day...coincidentally a new year... open to me...
a crossroad
a blessing and a curse
a challenge and a reply...
a look at what was reaped and sown throughout the last...
a slow deep breath after a long swim against the tide.
I'm not usually one for new year sentimentality
and truth be told I struggle to stay awake to even see one in,
just as I did last night...
but sometimes, just sometimes
the universe throws us a new beginning we need...
a reason to be sentimental
and grateful
and strong
and vulnerable
and me.
Happy new days everyone.
May they bring all the new opportunities and peace you need also.